Sanyar Bassee

The ‘coffee villages’ Sanyar and Bassee are working together for a better water network and sustainable water management. At the moment, the outdated system is not supplying enough water to Sanyar and in the neighboring village of Bassee the water supply is completely absent. With this project, overall health will improve and coffee farmers will benefit from clean water for processing their harvest.


In the village of Mbah education is improved in a collaboration of LiveBuild and Knowledge for Children. 240 kids get better education. The project involves a books program, training sessions and investments in the school infrastructure.


Better education for 300 children in Ntisaw: that is our goal. The school infrastructure in Ntisaw is extremely bad. We join forces with the local community and Knowledge for children to improve the situation drastically.


LiveBuild has been working on the Tinto water project since 2011, in collaboration with the local communities of Tinto and Mbang. We support the total of six villages in the realization and management of sustainable clean drinking water for 8,000 inhabitants in these fast-growing villages.


Due to the bad state of the school building and a lack of teaching materials and teachers, the quality of education is harrowing at Nkeng’s primary school. LiveBuild and Knowledge for Children join forces to, together with the community, improve education and offer the 291 children a good future.

Dream Center

In the Cameroonian city of Mamfe, we work together with the local NGO United Action for Children (UAC) on better education. In the end, 480 children will receive holistic education in an optimal educational environment every year. It’s not a surprise then that this educational project is called the Dream Center.

Nchemba I

In 2012 and 2013, LiveBuild worked with the local population on a “water by gravity” system in Nchemba I. With this, relatively simple, water construction we supported the village with the provision of clean drinking water. With training, the villagers are able to maintain the water system themselves.


Vergeet de ronde van Vlaanderen, vergeet de Tour de France. Zondag 30 oktober staat de enige echte wielerklassieker op het programma: de Afsluitrace. Geen Col de la Madeleine, geen l’Alpe d’Huez, maar een hele dijk om je wielertalenten te tonen. Dé uitdaging voor de fanatieke en sympathieke fietser. Met zo’n 100 renners trotseren we de Afsluitdijk om zoveel mogelijk geld op te halen voor schoon drinkwater in Kameroen. Uiteraard word je aangemoedigd door fans en mascottes. Fotografen leggen je inspanningen vast op de gevoelige plaat, zodat je nageslacht ook bewijs heeft van jouw heroïsche prestatie. Na de race staan er koude biertjes, warme soep en mooie prijzen voor je klaar. Wil je eeuwige roem? Schrijf je dan nu in en haal zoveel mogelijk sponsoren binnen. Voor het goede doel en een goed gevoel.